How I ended up living in Mexico because my husband needed affordable long term care

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

So Many Surprises!!

I don't know what I expected when I moved here. I think I didn't have any expectations except that Robert would be well cared for, we could afford his care, and I would have a nice home to rent. Those things are all true. And there is so much more. There have been so many surprises. One of the biggest surprises has been how many people have wanted to come to visit. I have had a steady stream of family and friends staying with me, and I have loved it. Somehow I have also been making a life for myself here as well. I feel so very supported by my visitors and am so very grateful for their company. Everyone goes to visit Robert and get to know some of the other residents at La Casa Nostra. Robert has had more visitors in the past 6 months than he had in the two years he lived at Regency. I guess Chapala is more interesting than Oak Harbor. It's true. 

I guess I'll lead with the biggest surprise of all which is that several of my friends have loved it so much here that they have gone in together to purchase a home in my magical garden compound. So I will have now and again neighbors that I know and love. Susan and Bill live in Manzanillo where it is too hot in the summer and they need a cooler retreat. Sue lives on Whidbey and needs a place to get away from the cold, dark winters. I have a small interest in the house as well, so have a now and again guest house. The house is Casa Las Mananitas and it is adorable. Here we are standing at the entrance of our new casa on November 17, the day the deal was closed. Obviously I was working on a painting when the photo needed to be taken. I will continue to live in the wonderful Galleria which I am renting. I love my casa here and it suits me perfectly. 

I am surprised at the comfort and ease I feel here. I am surprised at how noisy Mexico is. At least Chapala. There are celebrations and festivals nearly all the time which means music and fireworks and the sound of people celebrating. There are also very loud cojetes, which are rockets. They start going off sometimes at 5:00 in the morning. Originally they were meant to get people out of bed and into the fields or church back in the days when there were no alarm clocks. Now they do them for announcing mass, but also just for the fun of it it seems. I am surprised at the Church bells that ring at intervals all day long starting at 7:30 a.m. I live a couple blocks from the church and also a couple blocks from the malecon where much of the celebrating takes place. I'm surprised that I can tune it out and it does not interrupt my sleep anymore than my sleep is already interrupted. I'm surprised that I really want to learn to speak Spanish. I'm a beginner, but I boldly speak using whatever words I know, and am beginning to be able to hear it better and understand a tiny bit. Tiny is the operational word there. 

I was surprised to read a posting on FaceBook by a guy who was looking for people to go out plein air painting with him. I'm really surprised that I immediately said I would. We have been out twice. I love the first painting I did. It is of a restaurant in the plaza in Ajijic. I was surprised I could paint it in a couple hours. I'm not so thrilled with the second painting I did, but I am working on it and will stay at it until it sings to me. This one sings.

I'm continuing to try to get a sketching group together. There is a lot of interest, but people are really busy here. Also they come and go a lot. Two new women have contacted me recently, so I believe it will become an active group. 

Sadly I'm surprised at the form Robert's disease is taking. He has some very unpleasant times involving some yelling and some agressive behavior. There is also a strong thread of paranoia. I just hate to write those words. It feels disloyal to me, and yet I want to make this blog as real as I can. He also can still really pull himself together and be insightful, funny, curious about other people and their lives. I can see him declining. Of course it's expected, but hard to watch. I FaceTime with him several times a day. I go to La Casa Nostra to see him 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes more. Rarely less. I think about how I will live with myself when all is said and done. I know I have found the best possible situation for him that I am able. I wonder if I spend enough time with him. It haunts me a bit. 

I've lived here only 6 months and the surprises just keep coming. 

I had a wonderful two weeks in Langley with my family and friends for my 80th birthday. It could not have been more wonderful. I am surprised to say I'm not sorry to be missing the cold and windy weather.